Tiredness hacks for new parents
Sleep? What’s that? Newborns and babies aren’t aware of staying asleep for 6 or 8 hours a night, when you need sleep. Here’s some hacks to look and feel more awake.
©Little Manly Photography
Wake up your mind and mood
Peppermint essential oil is a lifesaver – there’s more to it than it’s refreshing aroma. A study found that it increased alertness, improves focus (improving the ability to perform tasks) and reduces mental fatigue. It’s can also help calm a headache. You don’t need a baby bath full either – the easiest way to use it is to inhale from the bottle. You can add a few drops to a diffuser, apply a drop to your temples (def not too close to your eyes or they’ll water) and back of your neck. The cooling feeling creeps up on you and feels really refreshing. Peppermint oil is easy to throw in your basket at the supermarket or chemist too – look out for Thursday Plantation Peppermint Oil - great value and 100% pure peppermint oil.
© Little Manly Photography
© Little Manly Photography
Look glowing
With 504 5-star reviews, Mecca Max Off Duty Blush Stick is the ultimate wake up and glow helper. The creamy, buildable formulation can be worn super subtle and sheer, or pop with colour, depending on the look you want. The stick comes in six shades and gets bonus points because you can chuck it in your bag and apply on the run later in the day – plus you can use it on your lips for a quick swipe of colour.
On her recent trip to Australia, Instagram mega star @bethennyfrankel rated Natio Mineral Pressed Powder Bronzer Sunswept: ‘It’s Nars meets Gucci meets Charlotte Tilbury – it’s the right brown - it's not too cocoa-y, not too orangey, not too chocolate-y. This is phenomenal’.
© Little Manly Photography
© Little Manly Photography
Easiest hair hack
Want that wavy look but have zero chance even brushing your hair? If you’ve washed your hair, Casey Vincent, owner of Willow Hair has this quick trick: ‘With wet or damp hair, do two plaits before you go to bed, and in the morning your hair will have body, bounce and a nice wave to it, looking like you’ve styled your hair’.
Dry shampoo is a time-poor girl’s best friend. The all-time go-to is Batiste, which you can also add to the food or baby shop. It removes the look of greasy roots and gives a bit of body at the same time.
© Little Manly Photography