The positive psychology behind taking photos – and why it’s good for your kids to see them
Little Manly Photography
We naturally delight in looking at photos that bring back positive memories. Aside from feeling warm and mushy inside, scientists have found that reminiscing over photos has positive effects on your brain. Who knew?! Here’s how you and your kids can get a mental boost.
‘Research suggests that capturing, displaying or revisiting family photos have a powerful effect on our brain’, says Neuroscientist Dr Nas @nasneuro. ‘Photos capture memories of past experiences – stored in our brains, revisiting them strengthens their representation by our neurons.’

This includes photos that bring a smile to your face. That spark from a positive memory of an event, get together, baby photos, a special moment in your life, or just a souvenir of someone’s expression at that moment in time. Not only this, ‘Acting as a ‘glue’,’ he says, ‘photos can bind families and trigger conversations. Looking at them can have a positive physiological effect: children laugh when looking at old pictures of themselves. Neuroimaging research shows that looking at photos of our loved ones slow down the ‘stress centres’ of our brain’. In years to come, looking back at the photos you can take now gives kids a secure, calming feeling – they have a place in the family and these photos symbolise closeness and community.
‘Capturing, displaying or revisiting family photos have a powerful effect on our brain’, says Neuroscientist Dr Nas
“My opinion is that we should take photos at precious times but not overly obsess about them or how they look’, adds Dr Nas. ‘They’re just a trace that holds a precious memory. Then we can look at them again in the future for this heart-warming feeling!’
This is so true! Most women I speak to before a session are worried about how they look, whether it’s just after having their newborn, and they’re exhausted, or they’ve had a year of sleepless nights with their toddler. Take the photos. Have the memories. We now know they’re not only heart-warming to look at, they have a positive effect on your brain, and soul.