Local Legends | Soul Mamma and Me

Family Photographer in Northern Beaches

As a Manly lifestyle photographer, it’s both a privilege and an honour to get to work with some amazing locals who share their vision for a healthy lifestyle, and positive family-friendly values for our community.

One such guru is the gorgeous mother of three Alena, who has spent her childhood playing under the Morton Bay Figs in The Bower, and is now reliving that experience with her beautiful family. Alena is the face of Manly‘s famous Soul Mamma blog and when the opportunity came for us to work together on a family photo shoot - it was something I felt both very excited and proud to be apart of. Both Alena and her children seem to share this electric zest for life, love and nature that really pulled at every heartstring of mine, and reminded me why family isn’t just about getting the kids off to school and making it through the week - it’s about the tiniest of moments when they pull you aside and say, “Mummy take my hand”. The moment that automatically gets stored into our memory bank, and that we keep for all eternity in our hearts.

Alena has allowed me to share some of her family's‘ moments’ with you, as well as offered insight into her incredible journey as a mother and entrepreneur. Please see her interview below and check out her inspirational blog, at Soul Mamma - a must-read for every parent.

Family Beach Photo Shoot in Curl Curl by Little Manly photography

What makes raising a family in Manly so special and unique?

It's quite a personal thing but my grandparents used to live at Bower Street so they had the second gate onto the path that led down to Shelley at the bottom of their very long and well-kept yard. We had all our Christmas there growing up. My parents even got married there. So for me Manly was a very special place as a kid. It's really special to be able to share the magic of this incredible coastline with my kids, as well as the very laid-back and outdoorsy lifestyle.

Family Beach Photo Shoot in Curl Curl by Little Manly photography

Where is your favourite place to spend the day as a family on the Northern Beaches?

Probably at home! But otherwise, walking on the beach, playing on the sand, or climbing the rocks near the beach.  

Family photographer in northern beaches Sydney

How would you describe your style of parenting?

I've been writing about parenting for so long with my blog, so I've actually coined a term for the kind of parenting I love to do - I call it Soulful Parenting. It's somewhere on the attachment side, but not helicopter-ing. And it's definitely about doing all I can to prioritise being present. I still have to work and do chores but wherever possible I stop what I'm doing and spend time with the kids. I do my best to own up to my own shortcomings and model values of kindness (to each other, and to the earth), curiosity and resilience. That said, every child is different so I do believe we parents often modify our behaviour with each child to help them learn to trust themselves and feel confident in the world just being themselves. 

Portrait of a father and son in the northern beaches sydney

Tell us a bit about your business Soul Mamma? 

Soul Mamma is more passion than business at this stage, though next year I am planning to launch a membership - the Soul Mamma Collective - and make it my main focus.  At this point Soul Mamma is a long-running and pioneering soulful parenting and ethical lifestyle blog. I offer eco-conscious families enriching ideas and cool lifestyle products, services. My favourite is to explore bringing depth and connectedness back into our lives and share information on how to employ simple, earth-lovin' habits that make us feel better, and also care for the planet. 

Family portrait photographer in northern beaches sydney

What was the inspiration for Soul Mamma?

It was a drive really. I was single parenting, working, studying and kept coming up against blocks and finding my way through and it seemed crazy not to share what I was discovering along the way.  Also having studied permaculture, and education, I have the tools to offer great value to readers and again felt a massive obligation to participate in a positive narrative around looking after our planet and looking after our children. I feel like care and presence are often overlooked in our busy world, so it's great to get them into the conversation. These are the things that help our kids become the people the future needs them to be. Plus, it's fun to share. 


What's the secret to running your own business, being a successful career woman, and raising three beautiful children?

Just keep swimming! No matter what, I keep plodding along. When the kids and the puppy stop me from sleeping, and I'm sideways with exhaustion I keep doing a little bit every day. Also, I find that training and doing things that light me up outside of the business (like teaching and training martial arts) re-energise me to come back and keep going with any challenging moments in my business. I am so passionate about what I do it feels like it's the only thing I can do. So just keep going, that's the trick I reckon. Little by little. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time (not literally of course).


What other interests do you have?

I am interested in permaculture and did a Permaculture Design Certificate with Milkwood Permaculture back in 2013. I am a qualified educator as well as a Hapkido instructor for women, kids and teens. Culture, wholefood, holistic health, and photography are also great passions.  


 How does nature influence your lifestyle?

We are always working out new ways to bring nature into our home (with natural cleaning, food and personal care) or get ourselves out into nature (with growing food, going for adventures or just heading down to the beach). In general, I would say that being conscious of the way that we humans are actually completely a part of nature and totally symbiotic with, or even dependent on her, changes completely the way I think about that question. I am constantly working on ways to be a more effective custodian of nature and help educate others to do the same. 


Where do you see yourself in ten years from now?

Here, still doing the same stuff just on a bigger stage. I'm on a mission to help families grow their connection within themselves, with each other, with communities and with nature. 


What's the best advice could you give other mum's out there right now who are juggling motherhood, sanity, and a career:)?

Go gently, be kind (to yourself most of all) and help your kids learn to trust themselves and their own thinking by modelling it.  


Where's the best place we can contact you to get more info about Soul Mamma?

I'm most active on Instagram: www.instagram.com/soulmammacollective  or you can subscribe for free at soulmammablog.com

Would you like to have your family photos taken? Let’s capture your story.

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Interview Lauren Weatherhall

Little Manly Photography


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