Natural pregnancy and baby photos at the beach and home
‘I booked my bump and baby photos at the same time because I loved Elena’s work’
I was looking for candid photos that are not posed and especially no posing or props for the baby. We wanted to have beautiful memories of this special time in our lives. When I saw the aesthetics of Elena's work, I knew I wanted to book her for both of my shoots.
The bump shoot was so wonderful. It felt like we got to cherish the remaining time as a couple and celebrate it. Meeting Elena, we felt like we had a good friend with us. She made us feel so comfortable, we had a good laugh and nice chats. And for the baby shoot it was just so nice to see her again. I was not nervous at all, as I already felt comfortable with her and knew how magical she is with the camera. She was amazing as well in offering to wear a mask and keeping us up to date on what is going on in her life regarding corona virus and other vaccinations. We had so much fun on the shoot.
Elena was so helpful in making me less self-conscious about my post baby body - which I did not consider before booking her, but felt a lot the week before the shoot. Again, it felt very intimate and she also considered Salim's concern about himself and the photos could not have turned out any better. I look at them every day.
I brought a few outfits to the bump shoot and showed Elena my baby shoot outfit and talked to her about what look I wanted to achieve. We had a good look at Elena's website and then decided from the videos what suits us best for the bump shoot. We wanted something versatile and the photos truly did not disappoint. We sent Elena a few photos of ideas of outfits and considered her professional opinion.
Something to consider if you are booking bump and baby: knock yourself out on an awesome bump outfit. But for the baby shoot, its great if you can find something to breastfeed in. I was so stressed about that just before the shoot and I felt I had nothing to wear. In the end a simple white top with functional buttons was my best choice and I'm so happy with how the photos turned out.
I think these photos will become more valuable to me over time. It's impossible to pick a favourite. I just feel so much love looking at all our photos, between Salim and I, and also towards our precious baby Roya. How was she that small?? And it’s only been a few weeks now.
Our best memories of the day? Bump shoot - when we were in the water AND when Elena sent us one sneak peek photo only a couple of hours after the shoot. We were so excited to see the rest. On the baby shoot, when we were in Roya’s bedroom and the light was so lovely and Roya was so happy - then we got the photos and everything was perfectly captured.
This is my one favourite investment we have made in the process of having a baby. Do it. I don't really love being in photos, neither does my partner. But having this memory that lasts forever, and to be able to share with Roya when she is bigger is worth it. Or to look the photos when she is older and maybe doesn't think her parents are cool anymore, I feel that is something that is so lovely for any family. Also, don't worry if you are shy, or dislike being in photos. Elena is a true artist and she will consider what you're feeling self-conscious about and make you look your very best.
In years to come, I’ll miss the fresh baby smell, the time we just get to be in this lovely baby bubble and it's just the three of us and lots and lots of cuddles and kisses. Hopefully the cuddles and kisses will remain but it will just be different.